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15 Amazing Foods For Strong Bones And Joints You Should Eat Everyday

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3. Almonds

Almonds not only make your memory strong, but they are also beneficial for bones and joints’ health.

It is rich in calcium and magnesium, the two most essential minerals for your bones.

Plus, it also contains omega-3 fatty acid, a good kind of fat that reduces inflammation, boosts the amount of calcium in bones, and
reduces your risk of arthritis and osteoporosis.

So what are you waiting for; grab a handful of almonds and start eating but make sure to buy unsalted ones

4. Salmon

A high amount of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D makes salmon one of the most beneficial
food for your bones.

Omega-3 and vitamin D increase calcium absorption, reduce bone breakdown and enhance calcium in the bones.

Also, omega-3 fatty acids neutralize free radicals, reduce inflammation and keep your joints smooth and moving.

Eat 3 to 4 ounces of salmon twice a week, and to get maximum benefits, try steaming or baking it instead of deep-frying.




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