12 Warning Signs Your StressĀ  Has Turned into a Depression

4 – You’ve Been Sleeping Way More or Way Less for Weeks

Now, just because you’re having trouble falling Like with memory, both stress and depression 
can negatively impact your sleeping patterns. 

asleep or you find yourself waking up several times throughout the night,  doesn’t necessarily mean you’re depressed.

Most often, stress-related sleep problems are temporary and usually subside when the situation has worked itself out. 

However, if you find that your sleep disturbances have continued for weeks or more,  then you could be dealing with depression rather than just stress.

5 – You’re Super Indecisive

When you go out to eat, there’s always that one person who takes 20 minutes to read the entire menu, then asks the server for their recommendation. 

Some people are just more indecisive than others. On the other hand, excessive stress 
makes decision-making more daunting, and when you’re depressed, it becomes even more 
challenging. This indecisiveness perpetuates a cycle of increased anxiety and frustration, 
which then, in turn, leads to more self-loathing. 

Once you notice that this has started to negatively impact your daily life, you might want to consider that your stress has become something more.




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