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15 Amazing Foods For Strong Bones And Joints You Should Eat Everyday

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9. Cheese

Good news for cheese lovers, a study published in the journal Clinical Cases in Mineral and Bone Metabolism

shows that cheese, especially parmesan cheese is an excellent choice for bone health.

It contains high biological value protein and calcium, which make bones strong and tough.

But make sure to maintain portion control.

Everything can be harmful when taken in excess; The same goes for cheese.

It is a high-calorie food and can make you gain weight.

10. Bladderwrack

Bladderwrack is a type of brown seaweed famous for its anti-inflammatory properties.

According to a study published in the journal Biologics, it can reduce swelling, pain, and

Irritation can be helpful for osteoarthritis patients.

It is due to the antioxidants, fucoidans, and fucoxanthin present in bladderwrack.

They neutralize free radicals and protect bones and joints from damage and inflammation.

You can add it to soups, stews, and clambakes.

Adding it will surely enhance the taste and nutritional benefits of your dish.




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