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12 Signs Your Body Needs More Magnesium

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9 – You Have Trouble Falling Asleep

Facing any sleepless nights lately where all you do is toss and turn and stare at the ceiling?

You might need some more magnesium.

While a lack of it can leave you feeling fatigued, that type of tiredness won’t promote a good night’s sleep.

Magnesium acts upon the nervous system, and it helps activate neurotransmitters that are responsible for calming the body and the mind, thereby contributing to deep, restful sleep.

10 – You Have An Irregular Heartbeat

Magnesium plays out one of its most important strengths when it comes to keeping your heart as healthy as possible.

A lack of it might put you more at risk of heart arrhythmia or irregular heartbeat.

If left untreated, it can be responsible for symptoms such as light-headedness, chest pain, shortness of breath, or even fainting.

It can also increase your risk for heart failure or stroke.

So definitely contact your doctor if you’re experiencing these symptoms.




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