7 – You Have High Blood Pressure
When it comes to maintaining healthy blood pressure, your body must have a good balance of potassium and sodium.
Magnesium is involved in the regulation of potassium in the body, and if potassium levels go down due to low magnesium levels, the rise of sodium levels causes an increase in blood pressure.
Basically, if you’re not getting enough magnesium, your body won’t be able to regulate your blood pressure properly.
8 – You Feel Tired All The Time
What’s making you tired in life right now?
Perhaps the first thing that comes to mind is your job or school.
Or maybe you’re overwhelmed with other responsibilities.
Did you ever consider your diet as a factor?
Magnesium aids in your body’s conversion of food into energy, so eating foods rich in this mineral is important to maximize the energy and goodness you can source from every meal.
Without enough magnesium, you literally won’t have energy on a cellular level, which shows
up as fatigue, low energy, and a lack of drive.