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12 Signs Your Body Needs More Magnesium

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3 – Your Mental Health Is Suffering

No matter what you might be down in the dumps about, sneaking in a bit of magnesium might

be able to lift your spirits.

That’s because this mineral also plays a part in aiding your nervous system, as well as

your brain.

It can help manage stress levels to prevent you from getting burned out, diving into the

depths of depression, or other mental health issues.

Sometimes, all it takes is something small to transform your mental health and lifestyle.

4 – You’re Frequently Constipated

Yeah… sitting on the toilet covered in a layer of sweat trying to empty your bowels

aren’t anyone’s most glorious moments.

Fortunately, you might be able to leave those experiences behind you, if you eat some magnesium-rich foods.

These foods tend to be high in fiber as well, which is great for your digestive system.

Just be sure not to go overboard, as too much can send your bowels into disarray!




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