17. chronic fatigue
There are many reasons why you might feel tired, from simple lack of sleep to serious illnesses and chronic conditions. It’s natural to feel tired at times, but if your tiredness persists, it could be a sign of something more serious. Seek immediate medical attention if you experience fatigue and other worrisome symptoms.
18. Persistent cough
You cough when there’s something in your air tract that your body wants to get rid of. It’s
common when you have phlegm build-up. You could be coughing for any number of reasons, including flu infections. In fact, your cough could even be a reaction to some of the medication you’re taking.
But if this cough goes on for three to four weeks, you need to take it seriously. Your lung and throat need to be checked for signs of cancer.
Hearing the word cancer is scary enough for every one of us.
It’s a deadly disease that can push your body’s limit to the maximum. But there are things you can do to reduce your likelihood of getting this dreadful disease.
Like, avoid eating cancer-causing foods. Then there are early symptoms to help with early detection.
Here’s what you need to know…