13. Allergic reactions/Anaphylaxis
A severe allergic reaction is called anaphylaxis and may include symptoms such as swelling, hives, a drop in blood pressure, or sometimes called shock. This is the body’s reaction to an allergic substance, such as a bee sting or peanut. This life-threatening condition requires immediate medical attention.
14. Fever
when your body is under stress, it reacts. This stress is physical,
as well as mental. When you’re fighting an infection, the first thing your body does is raise its temperature to make it unpleasant for foreign bodies. This is how you get a fever.
Getting a fever for unexplained reasons is usually a sign that something’s wrong.
It can be a sign your body’s fighting cancer.
If you have a fever every now and then, it could be an early warning sign of blood cancer. If your fever comes with a change in your stool color, you may have leukemia or lymphoma.