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18 Health Symptoms Women never seen before

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3. Bloating

Do you often feel bloated? Well, bloating is indeed a very common problem. It could be for various reasons. You could have had foods that cause flatulence.
Maybe your diet is missing gut-friendly bacteria.
It’s common for women to feel bloated, especially around their menstrual days. Bloating is such a common occurrence that most of us don’t even think twice about it. But excessive bloating can be a sign of ovarian cancer. If it lasts more than a few days, you need to see a doctor ASAP.
There are other signs you need to watch for. If you feel full, even after eating a little,
something’s wrong. The urgent need to urinate can be a sign of a urinary tract infection,
kidney troubles, and on top of that, cancer.

4. Skin changes

The appearance of moles is a common sign of skin cancer. If they pop up all of a sudden,
you need to be on high alert. Keep reading to see if they increase in size. Besides this,
you should also keep track of the pigmentation on your skin.
Look out for significant changes that could hint towards skin cancer.
Skin cancer is the abnormal growth of skin cells. It’s mostly due to overexposure to
the sun’s UV rays.
Early detection is your best bet against defeating it.
This is why you primarily develop skin cancer in areas exposed directly to the sun.
For example, your face, ears, arms, and hands are the first places where signs of skin cancer appear. It’s a big myth that skin cancer only affects people with lighter skin tones. It can happen to anyone, even those with darker skin.
Some of the earliest signs of skin cancer are the appearance of red bumps, flat lesions, and even bleeding or scabbing sores that don’t heal.




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