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Do you know these 8 Super high blood sugar warning signals?

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What most people don’t know is that high blood sugar levels can cause severe damage.
Whether you’re diabetic or not, high blood sugar can cause damage to your nerves, organs, and blood vessels.
The real danger though is when your blood sugar level does not go down.
It’s when it doesn’t go down that serious health problems can occur.
One of the reasons why people suffer from high blood sugar is because they are uneducated
about the seriousness of it and the signs that our body gives.
here are some of the early warning signs your blood sugar may be super high!

1 – Constant Urination

This sign is directly linked to constant thirst, according to the Mayo Clinic.
Your kidneys are unable to keep up with the excess sugar, so the only way
they can get rid of it is through urination. Keep an eye on your trips to the bathroom.
If you find you are going every hour, you could have high blood sugar levels.
But this could also mean you have a more serious health issue.
The best advice is to go talk to your doctor.

To see more go to the next page….





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