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Lower Your Blood Sugar With These 10 Natural Tips

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with our lifestyles getting unhealthier by the day, we hardly pay any attention to the food we eat.
As long as it’s quick and delicious, it’s fine.
We overlook the ingredients and end up consuming much more sugar than we should.
This can lead to a spike in your blood sugar levels.
If you don’t control your sugar intake, it can seriously impair your ability to meet the demands of daily life and can lead to health
consequences like diabetes, as well as damage to the kidneys, eyes, and nervous system.
Did you know that just over 9% of the United States population has diabetes?
That’s around 30 million people. Although there are medications available for high sugar-related diseases, it is always better to keep your sugar levels low with natural remedies.

1. Increase Your Physical Activity:

You’re probably well aware that exercise is good for you. But did you know it lowers your blood pressure, too?
When you exercise, your heart rate goes up and muscles use more glucose, resulting in lower sugar levels.
In addition, exercise leads to your muscle cells using available insulin to take up glucose.
This means even lower blood sugar levels. The minimum you should exercise is about 200 minutes of cardio and 2-3 strength training sessions each week.
Go out and do something physical to see that blood sugar go down.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar:

Amongst the abundant health benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar, lowering blood sugar is a huge one.
It contains acetic acid which can lower blood sugar by helping store excess glucose in the liver.
This reduces the body’s rate of glucose production and absorption.
A study demonstrated that ACV significantly improves post-meal insulin sensitivity in people who are insulin resistant, which suggests
apple cider vinegar works in a similar way to anti-diabetic medication.
Mix 1-2 tablespoons of ACV in water and drink twice daily for the best results.

3. Say No to Processed Foods:

Processed foods can be found everywhere from a box of mac and cheese to potato chips, to fast food.
Not just these, “healthier” foods like whole-wheat bread, homemade soup, or a chopped apple are also processed foods.
These foods contain high amounts of added sugar which are usually hidden.
They are also low in blood sugar-stabilizing fiber and protein.
Next time you look for a quick way to satisfy your hunger, look for foods made from mostly whole-food ingredients, like a bar that lists just nuts, seeds, and dried fruit on its label.

4. Ginger:

Ginger is one of the healthiest spices on the planet.
It increases the production of insulin inside the body, which prevents your blood sugar levels from going higher than normal.
Studies have shown that eating ginger regularly helps reduce blood sugar levels and regulate insulin.
You can add ginger to most of your recipes to add a unique flavor to the dish. You can have ginger tea twice a day or eat it raw after your meals!

5. Oatmeal:

Oatmeal has a low glycaemic index, which can help maintain blood sugar levels.
It’s also one of the few foods that contain beta-glucans, a slowly digested soluble fiber that helps control blood sugar.
Moreover, it can also reduce the amount of insulin a patient needs. Just sprinkle your bowl of oatmeal with cinnamon, another potential blood sugar reducer, for a healthy burst of flavor!

6. Get Enough Sleep:

We can’t stress enough the importance of getting enough sleep.
Studies have shown that people who don’t sleep well or those who work the overnight shift, have a greater risk of developing diabetes.
Loss of even one night’s sleep has a negative effect on how insulin works.
When you don’t get enough quality sleep, your body becomes insulin-resistant.
This means your brain and muscles won’t use glucose as well as they should.
Lack of sleep also messes with the hormones that control your appetite and you’ll end up with uncontrollable cravings which lead to weight gain, and more insulin resistance.
If you’re not a good sleeper, make that a priority ASAP!

7. Turmeric:

It is the spice that gives your food yellow color and flavor.
But wait, it does much more than that. Studies have suggested that curcumin in turmeric decreases the level of glucose in the blood, as well as other diabetes-related complications.
Researchers also found that turmeric extract can help stabilize blood sugar levels and make diabetes more manageable.
Just add turmeric to your food or you can get creative and make turmeric smoothies and juices.
You can simply add turmeric powder to milk and drink it every night for best results.

8. Eat smaller more frequent meals throughout the day:

Think breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, and well, yes, maybe another snack! Large, infrequent meals can cause big shifts in your blood sugar levels.
When you have smaller more frequent meals, these shifts are much smaller, so your blood sugar level is more balanced.
Smaller portions throughout the day with simple snacks can help you maintain steady levels.
Be prepared, plan your meals and always carry healthy snacks with you.

9. Beans:

Beans are a rather simple and inexpensive meal to help control your sugar levels.
Research has suggested that people who eat at least a cup of legumes like beans, chickpeas, and lentils daily for three months have significantly lower blood sugar levels.
Beans are an excellent source of folate, which is linked to a lower risk of heart disease, a common complication for people with high blood sugar.
You can cook beans separately or include them in your favorite foods like soups and salads.

10. Manage Stress:

The common misconception with stress is that it is an emotional problem.
However, the reality is that stress can also be a physical problem as well.
When the body is under stress, the adrenal glands trigger the release of glucose stored in various organs leading to elevated levels of sugar in the bloodstream.
Stress also causes the body to produce especially high levels of hormones, which drive blood sugar levels up.
You can reduce stress by doing deep-breathing exercises and meditation.
You can also evaluate your schedule and eliminate stressful activities from your life as best you can.
This will help lower your stress and in turn, bring down your blood sugar levels.
High Sugar levels can often lead to diabetes and various other diseases.
It is often referred to as the “silent killer” as people usually realize the damage caused by high sugar levels after it’s too late.
Do you know anyone who had high blood sugar but came to know about it after it was too late and it lead to a deadlier disease? Let us know in the comments section below.


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