7. Dairy:
Some people suffer from lactose intolerance without knowing it.
Whether you have a mild or severe case, you’ll notice the symptoms are similar: gas and bloat.
Swap out cow’s milk for lactose-free or nut milk and try to limit how much cheese and yogurt you eat.
Your tummy might thank you through better digestion and the loss of stubborn belly fat.
8. Alcohol:
Sugar’s equally problematic cousin, alcohol is something to be consumed at a minimum, if at all when you’re working to make your health a priority.
Drinking can lead to dehydration and water retention.
Water-weight can leave you feeling bloated and puffy.
Also, cocktails are usually brimming with sugary fruit juices and syrups that will send your blood sugar skyrocketing. Beers, even light beers, are heavy in calories
but low in nutritional value, and will not get you any closer to a flat stomach or better overall health.
9. Fast Food:
Fast food is a convenient option when you’re on the go, but too much may wreak havoc on your middle.
According to studies, people who eat more fast food also weigh more, have higher triglycerides, and have a larger waist circumference.
Fast food is usually high in saturated fat, salt and low in overall nutrients, like vitamins, minerals, and fiber.
And while you don’t have to swear off fried chicken for life, try to limit fast food to minimize belly fat.
10. Carb-dense foods:
Mention “carbs” and people freak out. The reality is not all carbs are bad.
Complex carbs like sweet potatoes, squash, and brown rice—so long as they’re not eaten in excess—are beneficial in keeping belly fat down.
The real problem is when you eat simple carbs— like processed white bread or white rice.
Unlike complex carbs, which make good use of energy and blood sugar levels, simple carbs cause sugar and insulin spikes.
Eating these foods regularly for long periods of time may lead to obesity, insulin resistance, inflammation, and more.
Bad carbs are usually found in bagels, white rice, white pasta, white bread, donuts and muffins.