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Top 10 Diabetes SUPERFOODS To Naturally Manage Your Blood Sugar

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Hey there! About 34 million people in the United States have diabetes.
High blood sugar levels can have really damaging effects on your body’s organs, with an increased risk of stroke.
A healthy diet can prevent type-2 diabetes and its complications from getting worse.

In Today, we’ll be discussing 10 diabetes superfoods you need to know about. From strawberries to spinach, from walnuts
to chia seeds, we’re talking about all of these AND more…


Adorable, juicy red strawberries are not only delicious, but also extremely nutritious.
These are a great source of antioxidants.
Strawberries contain a compound called fisetin(fize-din), which can prevent brain and kidney complications associated with diabetes.
It has been found that people with diabetes usually have low levels of vitamin C.
Guess what, vitamin C can actually help reduce complications with the disease.
Along with other citrus fruits, strawberries also provide vitamin C. Being low in calories, a cup of fresh strawberries contains 85 mg. While eating strawberries, diabetics should
remember that they also have sugar.
A cup of strawberries provides 7 grams. You can enjoy strawberries as a snack, or add frozen ones to your smoothies.
Put chopped strawberries on some sugar-free yogurt, or eat them with pancakes.
Do you have diabetes? Do you keep track of the sugary items you eat? Sound off in the comment section below


We all know how healthy avocados are! Avocado provides a bundle of nutrients. It offers about 20 different vitamins and minerals, as well as healthy fat.
Avocados are rich in beta-carotene, potassium, and vitamins C, K and E. Eating foods that are rich in healthy fats can promote fullness. Fat helps keep blood sugar levels stable
by slowing the digestion of carbs.
Studies suggest that vitamin E can improve glucose management and oxidative stress in overweight diabetics.
In another study when diabetics took vitamin E with their regular treatment, scientists observed a slower progression of diabetes
than those who did not take the vitamin.
In addition to vitamin E, avocados are rich in fiber also.
Experts suggest that a high fiber diet is associated with decreased risk of diabetes.
For all the diabetics out there, you should definitely add avocado to your diet. Just spread some over your toast for starters.


Tomatoes are nutrient-dense and offer a variety of health benefits. Most importantly, whole, fresh tomatoes are low on the glycemic index.
This means that they slowly release sugar into the bloodstream, and do not cause a spike in blood sugar levels.
Tomatoes are also rich in fiber, which promotes satiety. It’s been found that diabetics should eat 1-2 medium sized tomatoes every day, as it helps to lower blood pressure.
Tomato intake reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease linked to type 2 diabetes.
Tomatoes are a staple in every kitchen and extremely versatile at the same time. Just chop fresh tomatoes into pieces and serve them raw.
You should add them to your salads or make a hot bowl of tomato soup.


I know many of us don’t like eating spinach, but this leafy vegetable is a superfood. No wonder Popeye gets all his strength from eating it.
Spinach is loaded with nutrients! When it comes to diabetes, spinach helps to control blood sugar levels.
It contains an antioxidant called alpha-lipoic acid, which helps to decrease blood glucose levels, improve insulin sensitivity and prevent
oxidative stress in people with diabetes.
It’s also been found that low potassium levels pose a higher risk of diabetes. Spinach is high in potassium, a cup providing about 167 mg, along with other important vitamins and minerals.
Next time you’re grocery shopping, remember to add spinach to your cart.
The healthiest way to eat it is by blending spinach with your smoothies. I know it sounds kind of gross, but it’s really good for you! You can also add spinach to your eggs,
or stir it into soups. Instead of lettuce, add spinach to sandwiches and salads.
You can even put it in your pasta dishes!


These brainy looking nuts are very beneficial for diabetics.
Walnuts are rich in healthy fats that increase the amount of ‘good’ cholesterol in your body.
Decreased cholesterol reduces the risk of heart attack or heart disease.
Obesity and excess body weight are two main risk factors for diabetes.
Shedding extra weight can help diabetics manage their blood glucose levels.
Experts suggest that you should consume nuts at least twice a week.
Anything that lowers your risk of obesity in a healthy way. Whenever you’re hungry between meals and feel like snacking,
just eat a few walnuts. I know reaching for a bag of chips feels more tempting! But walnuts are packed with protein, fiber and good fats, which make them a great alternative for carb-rich snacks.
Dietary fiber can also improve blood sugar levels, decrease cholesterol and reduce the risk of diabetic complications.
People with diabetes should keep a box of walnuts handy.
This way, you can take them to work with you. Also, make a wholesome salad consisting of fresh tomatoes, avocado, spinach and walnuts.


This sweet ingredient can help manage diabetes.
Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties and can reduce inflammation.
This way, it can treat symptoms and long term risks of diabetes.
Ginger is also effective in lowering blood sugar levels, and improving insulin sensitivity in diabetics.
Ginger is easy to add to your diet. You can grate ginger over stir-fry, or make a refreshing ginger lemonade.
Just remember not to add sugar. You can also enjoy a hot cup of ginger tea on a cold winter evening.


Cinnamon will lower blood sugar by imitating the effects of insulin and increasing glucose transport into cells.
This spice also improves insulin sensitivity. Cinnamon works wonders at reducing fasting blood sugar.
It also stops your blood sugar from spiking after meals.
Cinnamon does more than just lower your blood sugar.
It helps lower the risk of common diabetes complications.
Cinnamon can help lower the risk of diabetes. It can decrease ‘bad’ cholesterol levels and increase the ‘good’ kind.
Cinnamon can also help lower your blood pressure. Recently, it’s been suggested that diabetes can lead to Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.
Cinnamon can decrease the ability of two proteins to form plaques and tangles that are linked with Alzheimer’s disease.
No wonder it’s considered a diabetes superfood! The best way to consume cinnamon for diabetes is to drink cinnamon water.
To prepare this, soak a 2 inch piece of cinnamon in a glass of water.
Leave it overnight and drink it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.
Being slightly sweet in flavor, cinnamon can be used as a natural sweetener in desserts like cakes and pies.
You can even add a dash of cinnamon powder to your milk or tea, and make a nice spiced tea or chai.
You can also sprinkle cinnamon on your oatmeal or cereal.
This will serve as a substitute for sugar.

8.Ezekiel bread

People with diabetes should swap their regular white bread with ezekiel bread.
This bread is made from sprouted grains, not refined flour. It can be made from sprouted lentils, millets, soybean and barley.
Sprouting grains increase their nutritional values like higher proteins, and other minerals, all while reducing the starch content.
Studies suggest that sprouted grain bread can improve blood sugar levels in obese people. Also, ezekiel bread is easy to digest and
has increased levels of antioxidants with anti-inflammatory effects.
Sprouted grain breads have a dense consistency, and are great for toasting. Ditch your regular bread and shop for ezekiel
bread instead!

9.Pumpkin seeds

Now this is a pick you definitely don’t want to miss out on! Seeds are super-nutritious, and known to be a powerhouse of nutrients.
Pumpkin seeds are rich in fiber, healthy fatty acids and magnesium.
They can help manage diabetes. People with insulin resistance due to low levels of magnesium are at a higher risk of developing diabetes.
Magnesium intake can decrease this risk, and what’s better than pumpkin seeds? An ounce of pumpkin seeds contain about 168 mg of magnesium.
You can add pumpkin seeds to salads, breads, cookies or granola mixes.

10.Chia seeds

You might be hearing a lot of talk about chia seeds recently! These are very nourishing and full of antioxidants, fiber, magnesium and omega-3 fatty acids.
All these nutrients lower the risk of type-2 diabetes, along with its complications.
These seeds help to maintain blood glucose levels, as well as decrease blood pressure.
Chia seeds are versatile, and can be added to yogurt, oats and smoothies. Diabetes is so common, it’s terrifying!


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